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Glass Box Extension

Glass Box Extension to Your London Property? Read This First!

If your humble abode is feeling a tad poky lately, installing a glass box extension can work wonders for opening things up. Transform that pokey lounge or dated kitchen into a swanky new living area flooded with natural light. Sounds flippin’ marvellous right? Well before ringing the builders, here’s what you should know about glass box extensions in London to avoid any sticky situations down the line...

Glass Box House Extension

Glass Box Extension Basics

Essentially it’s a structure with fixed glazed panels in aluminium framing on all sides including the roof. You’ve likely seen them tacked on the back of period houses and flats all over town. Installation involves building ground level foundations then assembling almost like a mini greenhouse. Wall materials typically include:

  • Float Glass - Standard transparent double glazed units made of annealed glass 4-6mm thick each side. Most cost effective option.
  • Toughened Safety Glass - Heat treated to withstand more impact/damage without shattering. Used for larger panels.
  • Low Emissivity (Low-E) Glass - Microscopically thin metal coating reflects heat back into room. Maximises insulation.
  • Acoustic Glass - Special interlayer dampens outside noise like traffic. Maintains sound privacy.
  • Self-Cleaning Glass - Ultrahydrophic coating prevents water forming droplets that cause spots and streaks.
  • Smart Glass - Electric current alters opacity from transparent to translucent. Provides privacy control.

With power tools and YouTube, you might think DIYing one of these modern orangeries is a doddle. Truth is, the structural calculations and precise installation skills required make it a job best left to the professionals!

Call 020 8050 7046 today or request a quote online
to get started with Glazing Works London!

Consider Your Glass Box Reasons Carefully

Previous to ordering a truckload of glass, seriously think about what you want to achieve via the new extension. Is it principally to garner more indoor space or to enhance views of the garden? Get clarity because the design direction differs hugely depending on motivations.

Consider Your Glass Box Reasons Carefully

If space is the priority, minimise external features like roof lanterns to maximise internal footprint. Focus spending on insulation, heating and lighting amendments so the box functions nicely as a year-round extra room.

If however the goal is linking house with garden, ensure glazing covers every possible angle allowing sunlight to flood the space. Folding/sliding doors provide easy summer access outside too.

Be realistic about how intensely the extension gets used. As a dining area or casual snug? The box can handle occasional heating no problem. Constant activity like a kitchen sees energy bills rocket however. Balance looks versus functionality based on intentions upfront.

Consider Glass Box Extesion Planning Permission Protocol

Guaranteed way to start neighbourly feuds is sticking up an extension without proper approvals! Understand rules about heights, distance from boundaries and ensuring natural light access to adjacent properties. Just because your mate down the road got away without permits doesn’t make it legit for your postcode.

As regulations continue getting tighter, wise homeowners chat to local authorities first before designing their perfect glass box. Obtaining consent always takes longer than anticipated so factor 3-6 months minimum into project plans dependent on complexity.

Consider Glass Box Extesion Planning Permission

Few elements determining permission outcomes:

  • New Total Property Footprint
  • Proposed Box Height and Roof Design
  • Visible Elevations from Street
  • Drainage and Foundations Needed
  • Parking/Access Implications

£500-£1000 to get the ball rolling. Glazing Works London can support navigating the often bewildering process to improve approval odds. Well worth avoiding unforeseen demands for redesign later!

Call 020 8050 7046 today or request a quote online
to get started with Glazing Works London!

Glass Box Extension Cost Calculations

Moment of truth time! What sort of money are we talking for one of these bespoke items? Variables to factor:

Glass Box Extension Cost London

Structural Elements

  • Base Works – concrete foundation depth depends on ground type
  • Roof Design – flat is cheaper than angled. Lanterns bump up pricing.
  • Integrating Electricals – power, lighting, heating and cabling costs rack up

Glazing Specification

  • Glass Types – increases from standard through acoustic/low-E up to smart glass
  • Safety Compliance – toughening requirements dictate minimum thickness
  • Opening Mechanisms – roller blinds, bi-folds doors or crittal style windows

Overall Dimensions & Site Considerations

  • Height and Footprint – obvious one that physical size and accessibility impacts cost
  • Location Complexity – inner city challenges very different to rural counterparts

All in, small 15 metre squared rectangular glass extensions start around £25,000 through frameworks like Glazing Works London. Larger bespoke creations involving excavations easily top £60-80k. Gather quotes outlining every line item so no money surprises mid-project!

Why choose us for New Glass extension?

If you’ve decided a stunning glass garden room addition is just the ticket, then ring the Glazing Works London pronto. Here’s why we should install your charming new extension:

Why Choose us for New Glass Extension
  • 15+ Years Installing Glass Extensions – literally generations of experience!
  • Architectural Design Consultancy - advice ensuring planning applications get approved
  • Structural Engineering – critical calculations provided for complete peace of mind
  • Project Management Expertise – seamless coordination guaranteeing timely delivery
  • High Performance Glazing Products – mechanisms and glass keeping energy bills at bay
  • Multi Award Winning Service – recognised across various trade bodies for outstanding quality

Call Glazing Works London glass box extension specialist today on 020 8050 7046 for your complimentary site survey. Let’s chat concepts and shape that marvellous glass box extension together!.