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Glass Partitions

Glass Partitions for Commercial Offices in London

Whether it’s a trendy start-up office or established financial headquarters, integrating glass partitioning into interior fit-outs is on the rise across London commercial properties. And for good reason! Glass delivers lightness, transparency and space efficiency compared to block-work alternatives. Intrigued to know more? Read on as Glazing Works London gives you the inside scoop on successfully installing glass partitions...

What are Glass Partitions Wall

What are Glass Partitions?

Essentially movable interior walls made of glass allowing natural light to filter between rooms, importantly without diminishing sense of space. Metal, timber or composite framing provides structure and design detail with inset glass infill panels. Available as:

  • Full Height Partitions - Floor to ceiling screens segregating large zones.
  • Half Height/Desktop Partitions - Section off workspace while allowing visibility above.
  • Glazed Acoustic Pods - Enclosed pods for private calls requiring soundproofing.

Get creative mixing partition heights, portable standalone screens with integrated door sets linking neighbouring work areas. Maximum flexibility!

Call 020 8050 7046 today or request a quote online
to get started with Glazing Works London!

Benefits of Choosing Glass Partitions

While glass partitions cost more upfront than drywall, the positives outweigh initial cash output:

Light Transmission – Glass prevents spaces feeling dark and enclosed compared to opaque materials

Spacious Appearance - Maintains sightlines making interiors appear more expansive

Design Aesthetic – Glass and steel suit modern minimalist décor in commercial settings

Movable Layouts - Partitions reconfigure as needs change vs. fixed block-work

Ease of Cleaning - Wipe-able glazed surfaces save on maintenance bills

Daylight & Wellbeing - Workers engage better with natural over artificial lighting

Noise Control - Incorporate acoustic rated glass allowing sound privacy

Glass also reflects company branding with modernity and transparency - perfectly suiting agile forward-thinking firms versus dated approach. Makes talent attraction easier!

Call 020 8050 7046 today or request a quote online
to get started with Glazing Works London!

Building Regulation Factors

While internal glass partitions skip tiresome planning permission, building codes mandate certain installation precautions. Glazing Works London provide certification proving compliance with regulations including:

Fire Rating – Some projects require meeting strict reaction to fire standards where people congregate like office receptions and walkways. Interlayers between glass panes contain spread of flames. Partitions fitted with self-closing doors prevent smoke migrating into escape corridors.

Thermal Insulation – Temperature transfer between spaces causes distraction. Options like low emissivity glass reflecting heat back into rooms keeps cold drafts at bay.

Acoustics Control – Open plan workspace brings noise disturbances. Incorporating thick acoustic laminate glazing deadens sound transmission. Combine with airtight seals around frames and doors for peaceful refuge.

Falling Hazard – Toughened glass preventing shards on collapse and break-safe interlayer film adds safety should damage occur. Use where worktop surfaces near partition edges pose reach risk.

Disabled Accessibility – Level partitions spanning floor and ceiling without thresholds maintains access for those with mobility impairments between areas.

Get specialist guidance early in design stage on glass choices meeting stipulated ratings for the intended commercial application.

Frame Variations to Consider in Glass Partitions

While glass remains the focal point, partition framework merits thought from visual and practical perspectives. Ideal options:

Frame Variations to Consider in Glass Partitions
  • Aluminium Framing – Lightweight durability with slim line profiles suiting contemporary workspace aesthetic. Range of anodised colour finishes from natural silver through to black.
  • Steel Framing – Industrially styled wide gauge powder coated steel for warehouse chic. Offers floor-to-ceiling column structural support.
  • Timber Framing – Warm natural material for period buildings seeking traditional charm. Conceals steel reinforcement providing rigidity.

Go bespoke designing signature frames aligned to company branding using vibrant colours or custom patterns. Expect paying premium however for complex powder coating and fabrication. Worthwhile for making reception areas unforgettably unique!

Operational Mechanisms

Once frame preferences finalised, decide movable functionality:

Operational Mechanisms
  • Sliding Glass Partitions - Panels glide horizontally on overhead tracks. Operation completely effortless using built-in handles. Disappears discretely into cavity when opened.
  • Hinged Glass Partitions - Single action doors with safety buffered closing mechanism and recessed pulls. Enable partitioning smaller openings.
  • Concertina Glass Partitions - Bi-folding panes accordion collapsing via linked hinged joins into compact stack needing minimal space. Handy for irregular plans when rail tracking tricky.

Go manual or automate opening/closing with smart home controls. Another opportunity boosting workplace innovation kudos! Consult Glazing Works London on motorisation options during early design.

Glass Partition Costs in the UK

Project prices vary hugely depending on:

Panel Material – Basic float glass, acoustic, toughened, decorated or smart glass types

Integrated Doors – Single, double or bi-folds with mechanical or automatic opening

Bespoke Design Complexity – Custom colouring/shapes/etching/branding

Business Hours Installation – Preventing workflow disturbances bumps labour rates

Glass Partition Cost in the UK

Like any construction job, allow contingency for surprises once walls opened up! Ballpark guide for Glazing Works London professionally specified and fitted:

  • Acoustic Office Pod – £1500 - £2000 per m2
  • Full Height Bespoke Partition with Door – £1200 - £1900 per m2
  • Desktop Half Height Partition – £800 - £1100 per m2

Well worth the investment considering post-install adaptations made simple by the modular assembly. Reconfigure interiors responding to evolving ways of working.

Get in Touch with Glazing Works London

Ready to partition off perfect workspaces with glass? As leading London glass partition installation specialists, Glazing Works London make commercial glass partitioning a breeze from initial design through to hassle-free fitting. Contact our project team today on 020 8050 7046 for your free on-site consultation. Let’s chat moving your office to the next level!